Poems for Peace, Oct 21, 2021

Poems for Peace, Oct 21, 2021

We hope you’ll join us for Poems for Peace on October 21, 2021, featuring Andrew Schelling. (Bio below.) This is a collaboration of SICA-USA, SICA-International and SICA-Canada and promises to be an excellent development. Andrew Hall of Ottawa, Canada, created...
Journey Man

Journey Man

JOURNEY MAN A Carpenter’s Story By Daniel Foster INTRODUCTION I have been a carpenter, cabinet-maker, designer and builder for many years.  I have done others things as well, but always I came back to working with wood and to building or remodeling houses. I...
Poems for Peace

Poems for Peace

SICA-USA is teaming up with SICA-International to revision the Poems for Peace project and the Zoomuse project. Poems for Peace was started by Latifah Taormina in 2012. Zoomuse was started by (unofficial) Subud Poet Laureate Emmanuel Williams in 2020 as a pandemic...
CoPLAY: A Truly Original Project

CoPLAY: A Truly Original Project

From an interview by Hanafi Fraval with Susannah Rosenthal, edited by Levana Fraval This is the first of a series of articles we are writing on Susannah Rosenthal’s extraordinary CoPLAY project in Muncie, Indiana. CoPLAY is breathless in its scope and...
Covid Culture

Covid Culture

The Covid-19 Sonnet which was published in Subud Voice in their September edition’s feature on SICA-USA Chair Paul E Nelson got the SICA-USA Board thinking about culture during the pandemic lockdown.  Ralph Davila asks: What cultural activities have you...
Poems for Peace

Poems for Peace 2021

Poems for Peace is a Subud event started by Latifah Taormina which is being organized as a Zoom event by Andrew Hall of Ottawa, Canada. It coincides annually with the U.N. International Day of Peace on September 21. This year’s event happens on Tuesday,...
Subud Survey

Subud Survey

And simultaneous with the SICA-USA-led Cultural Conversation, here comes Subud creative Halimah Polk with a survey of the survivors, those who stay in Subud. It was published this week in the gorgeous Subud California newsletter as: This is a short survey to discover...
COVID-19 Sonnet

COVID-19 Sonnet

By Paul Nelson Earth Closed. Which was the sky’s wish the birds, trees, unspoken mammal wish as if heterotrophs had a vote (& shd) & then do when they conspire to halt “human progress” for a few weeks, lighten the air, unclog the cities, add a dash of the...
Panelling, Walls and Onflow

Panelling, Walls and Onflow

Panelling, Walls and Onflow             Panelling Morgan: “Panelling” is an imposing 22“ feet high (6.71 meters) structure with a surface made of a multitude of boards with colors running from light yellow green through yellows to light and then darker browns....