This from Latifah Taormina:

Victor Margolin
A salute to our brilliant, funny, design-genius, and a co-founder of SICA, Victor Margolin, 1941-2019. He left this world today, (November 27, 2019) but he left us all with so many gifts —including SICA itself.
Yes, it was Victor who came to the Anugraha Congress in 1983, with a mission to galvanize the creative energy and passion of artists, writers, designers, musicians, poets, performers, musicians, architects, teachers — people working from their creative gifts and talents—to take their creative energy out into the world and contribute to the world on behalf of Subud. Translation: we might not even have a SICA if it had not been for Victor. This is all in the SICA website here:
In the third paragraph of that page, there is a link to the founding documents Victor brought to Anugraha.
I was part of all those meetings, and just before Victor went to present the results of our workshop sessions to Pak Subuh — that we wanted to establish a formal group, along the lines of SES but focused on the cultural and creative community, he turned to me and said, “What shall I call it? We need a name for it.” And I said off the top of my head, “Subud International Cultural Association.” I thought Pak Subuh would give it another name along the lines of Susila Dharma, but he didn’t. He blessed it. What he did say is that culture is not just for the arts.
And now, on this day of giving thanks, let us give thanks for Victor. May he be hugely blessed for all he gave to others, and may his wife, Shoshanah, and his daughter, Myra, and all his close ones be well cared for and loved ever on. We are all indebted. Thank you, Victor. With love all our love. Latifah and our whole SICA family. (See the founding documents Victor created and presented in 1983.)
* * *
N.28.2019 – Nothing as clean as the Creator’s own design – goodbye Dear Victor.
May God bless Victor. Love to his family and much gratitude. Thank you, Latifah for an eloquent tribute.
God be with him. Diadhuit. From Subud Ireland.
Gods blessing to Victor and Shoshanah and Myra. Our hearts are moved. So many wonderful moments, just a warm and caring being. On top of that he could speak to apprentice and master alike in such a way that all could understand. I remember a lecture he gave at Ohio State University. I think it was 1994 on Technology And Postmodernism (ON WHAT ?) I was blown away. I got it, we all got it. He was able to connect with every level. I said to myself at the time and still recall today. This is what Bapak means ” you must put the Latihan into practice”. Victor did and it all just flowed.
God bless Victor! And on top of all his artistic gifts and contributions, he will always be remembered for his singular Niagara Falls mechanism of truly out of control laughter at himself when he made the attempt to get through any funny story he tried to communicate to an audience from one to a hundred or more. He was beyond incorrigible in this life-long affliction. He was without question the King of Plotz! Again, God bless Victor! Sending love to Shoshana and Myra!
God’s speed dear Victor. I hope you will find all your friends who have gone before, and that your generous and jolly soul will be rewarded for all that you gave us here in this world.
With love to Shoshanna and Myra
Much love to Shoshana and Myra as they witness Victor’s passing , an example of a true Subud brother whom we will always fondly remember.
Mardiyah and Rashad
May God bless dear Victor. His advice and encouragement led me to be able to follow my talent when I thought that it was impossible. He is one of those few Subud members whose contribution to his field of endeavour are known world-wide. Even in Perth, the remotest corner of far off Australia, design academics are really impressed when I say that I know him personally. But as Latifah has said so well, his great contribution as the founding spark of SICA will be his everlasting legacy. My fondest memories, however, are of him failing hopelessly as a comedian and in doing so being so funny as to be actually successful.
Much love and blessings to Shoshana and Myra
Blessings and thanks to victor and condolences to shoshana and Myra
Dear all
Victor – Thanks David Mc
Peter Mark and I remember the many times we spent together at various congresses.
Our conversations with Victor and Shoshana were highlights for us.
Thank you Victor for founding SICA and may your wonderful creativity flourish in the Kingdom of God.
Our thoughts and love are with Shoshana and Myra.