
  • Roland Evans
  • Kelly Hart

Roland Evans

Roland is a therapist and practices in Boulder, Colorado. He lives in the nearby foothills and is an avid high-altitude gardener as well as a wood worker. Roland’s primary creative interest is wood turning. He turns small bowls, cups, and plates from a wide variety of wood species.  These four pieces were made during the pandemic lock down.

SICA-USA Articles:

Kelly Hart

Artist’s Website: hartworks.com

I attended the University of California at Berkeley where I worked as a free lance photographer with both the Berkeley Drama Department and the Berkeley Folk Music Festival.  I attended the San Francisco Art Institute studying photography. I was employed as an Exhibit Specialist for the Berkeley Art Center, hanging art shows, and preparing brochures announcing the shows. I worked as a free lance cinematographer on various film productions, including a documentary film about the San Francisco Diggers. I developed a unique technique for making animated movies and was awarded a US patent on the process. I became an independent producer of educational video programs ranging in topics from llamas, animal telepathy, student life in the Soviet Union and Mexico, and sustainable architecture. I founded and became a webmaster for several websites related to sustainable architecture. Later in life I took up wood sculpting as a creative outlet that combines my long standing love of working with wood and my lifetime involvement with various art media.