Passing the Torch in Subud

Feb 8, 2025 | 5 comments

Passing the Torch in Subud

by Lusijah Marx

I attended my first World Congress in Toronto over 45 years ago. I was so inspired by the experience of being with people from all over the world doing Latin and sharing culture. I loved the latihans with hundreds of people attending from all over the world and learning about SICA and Susila Dharma. I made a decision I would attend every World Congress as it helped me believe in humanity and to value how the Latihan guides me and teaches me to witness that in my brothers and sisters. I also made a decision that I would invite and pay for any family members of mine who chose to attend.

My grandson Leandro told me when he was 12, that he would really like to attend our World Congress in New Zealand. We hiked the Mildred Trail and then headed for Christ Church. We attended together the place where Lord of the Rings was filmed and had fun trying out the magical swords. Leandro loved playing soccer and playing in the Congress World Cup—with kids and adults from all different countries dividing into teams.

Leandro wanted to attend the next Congress in Puebla. Several of us from Portland stayed in the same building. It was such a colorful experience. He learned more about the latihan and how it is an experience that lives in us. He loved the Mexican culture and how warm and alive the experience was— including playing soccer.

I was delighted when he wanted to attend the Freiburg Germany Congress. He was 21, and old enough to be opened. It meant so much to me when he was opened at that Congress. We shared a spacial bond, and I knew he understood me in a deeper way.

I had grown accustomed to having a grandson to share my love of World Congresses. Leandro was not able to go this time as he was in medical school. Much to my surprise, my grandson Roman Novy-Marx contacted me and told me he wanted to go to Kalimantan with me and the World Congress. Roman is 20 and lives in Rochester, NY, and of course, plays soccer. We began a magical trip to see the orangutans and then into the jungle for a few days— arranged by Roman. Roman had joined a list serve of over 200 youth who were attending the Kalimantan World Congress and had signed up for a leadership training and made plans to hand out with the Borneo football program. The first week in Kalimantan he decided to be opened and Marius Harold from Portland who had arranged Leandro’’s opening, did the same for Roman. He attended all the latihans and met so many people.

I loved my time in Kalimantan and the inspiring tours that had been arranged of the SD projects. We can do such amazing things when we work together! But the best part of the trip w was sharing the experience with Roman. We had so much fun and the magic of our special bond is strong and vibrant.
I still have my offer out to my family. I wonder who will join me in Portugal.



  1. Lusijah, I knew I wanted to read this article when I saw your name attached to it. What a wonderful story. There are some lucky grandsons out there, as well as their lucky grandma!

  2. Lovely

  3. So nice to hear your story. It brings hope for the future. We have five kids with 10 grand and 2 great grand. Although our 5 have all been opened only 2 are active. But hey, we’ll take that. Maybe the other 3 will come along in time. We share with you the joy of having descendants that experience the Latihan and others that are waiting for the fog to lift. One of our grandsons was opened only to get sucked into the conspiracy culture (we all have dues to pay) and we hope he will be back some day.
    Thank you for sharing. It strengthens, renews and reminds us of Bapak’s words years ago when he told us, the Latihan is not so much for you but more so for your children and grandchildren. It becomes clear as time goes on. They will get it when it is given and what a gift for us as we see them move forward as we hobble along behind them. Best regards.

  4. Thanks so much for this deep appreciation of your experience with your grand sons. I remember how involved Roman was in the enterprise workshops I recorded and how I felt that this is the future of our movement. I hope we hear that Leandro and Roman
    continue to receive and be guided by God in the latihan.

  5. Lusijah, this is such a wonderful story. It touches me so deeply and I am happy that you have this special bond with your grandsons. My older son and his wife were opened but their group had some difficult times and they left the group. I have hopes for my granddaughter who has the Spirit within. Blessings and love to you always!


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