Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

2021 Subud California Congress Watch the Saturday night entertainment: Once Upon a Time The entertainment on Saturday night of the 2021 Regional Congress offered stories by: Harlan Gleeson Emmanuel Williams Amelia Williams Daniel Foster David Zasloff Musical...


Love By Laura Paterson Before Love Ends As with Beauty It has Its greatest Flowering.
The Myco Files of Hamilton Pevec

The Myco Files of Hamilton Pevec

The Myco Files Hamilton Pevec In a recent interview I asked Hamilton Pevec about his interest in mycology, the science of fungi organisms and his place in the growing mushrooms culture. “Mushrooms have recently boomed in interest. I can’t say exactly why but a...
Poetry Postcard Global Totals

Poetry Postcard Global Totals

The SICA-USA-sponsored project, the Poetry Postcard Fest is fully underway with 519 poets from 13 countries, 46 U.S. states + D.C., 4 Canadian provinces and 3 Australian states exchanging original poems composed directly onto postcards. (Received poems?) Details are...
Darlene Olds Ceramics

Darlene Olds Ceramics

Darlene Olds specializes in functional high-fire ceramics such as bowls, mugs, and plates. The pieces shown below are some of her latest works.         About Darlene Olds Lewis and I moved to Portland in 1992. I no longer had a job and Lewis asked...
Harris Clemes Tribute

Harris Clemes Tribute

Photo: Harris Clemes “hiking in the high country that he loved.”   HARRIS CLEMES Harris Clemes, age 91 (1929-2021), passed away Thursday, July 29, 2021, peacefully in Portland, Oregon. Harris was born on September 29, 1929, in Mussoorie, India to the...
A Thought

A Thought

By Laura Paterson To be under the Jacaranda is to be in a sacred space. It is to be in a lavender, sweetly scented cathedral. It is to be in a paradise. Jacarandas are on my mind and in my heart.
Hear music from Philip Quackenbush via livestream

Hear music from Philip Quackenbush via livestream

Hear music from Philip Quackenbush via livestream Subud Members… Log into to hear Subud Brother Philip Quackenbush’s Music Friday, Aug 6, 2021 – 6:30 pm via livestream on St James Cathedral Vimeo and Facebook pages: Hear Cathedral Guitarist Mark Hilliard Wilson...
A Poem to My Granddaughter

A Poem to My Granddaughter

A Poem to My Granddaughter for the Occasion of Her Fifteenth Birthday By Laura Paterson You are right over there, Where the sun rises. Achingly close. But I have never seen you. In distance and in time There is a wide space Between us. That separates us. But in the...