Viola Class March 27
Professor Csaba Erdélyi

Mar 23, 2021 | 0 comments

Csaba Erdélyi writes:
Dear Friends, Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to attend or to receive a video recording of my masterclass on the rich and passionate viola music by Paul Hindemith, who was an eminent viola soloist himself. Your support of our work is highly appreciated.


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Class with Professor Csaba Erdélyi
Hindemith Solo Sonatas, Duo Sonatas, Concertos for Viola

One of the most significant composers of the XX. Century, Paul Hindemith has enriched the solo viola repertoire with his best masterpieces: solo sonatas, duo sonatas with piano, and concertos with unusual orchestral instrumentation. Prof. Erdélyi has a special affinity to Hindemith’s viola music; he has performed and recorded the above repertoire throughout his career.

Attend this class in person or register to receive a recording to view at your convenience.
To register: click on and scroll down to the Erdélyi class, click on Sign up, and complete registration.

A limited number of performers will be selected for this class. There is no limit to the number of observers. Registration fee $20.

Viola players wishing to perform may choose to play a movement or movements from any of these works and should submit a 2-minute audition video playing from their chosen movement. Instructions for recording and submitting audition videos will be confirmed upon registration. Audition requirement is waived for those who have already performed in Prof. Erdélyi’s class. Performer registrations due by Wednesday, March 24th.



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