Stefan’s Vision Subud Project

Feb 1, 2022 | 0 comments

This from Greg Perrin:

Hi Paul…hope all goes well for you and your family in usa…

I am forwarding this to you….as it would be good for a couple of usa subud members to be involved ..for access to usa projects and ideas…

If you have anyone in mind ?? I may be able to supplement the required £100 to be a me personally donating £50 to you in usa ….in a couple of cases ?? To help get it started…

Stefan is uk subud and did a lot of lockdown zooms in music/dance and various art things…and has facility for 100+ zooms.. etc..

I also include this link on art done by Australian subud film maker…Natascha ..that your SICA-USA members might like to watch ??

Also sicabritain at gmail dot com are arranging a touring public viewing art exhibition using our subud centres…as our cities are close together ..some are on

It is not impossible..if one of your usa artists have a small piece they wish to exhibit….that it can be included ??


———- Forwarded message ———
From: Stefan Freedman
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 00:24
Subject: Stefan’s Vision
To: greg perrin gregxx507 at gmail dot com

Dear Greg,

I would like your participation in developing a new not-for-profit project:
Dance and music for trauma support.

This springs from keen interest and intensive study over the past few years, and from direct experience of working in an inclusive way with groups for over 35 years.

My plan this year is to set up a dedicated and professionally credible website, and to develop a series of step-by-step practical videos which can be used by therapists, and by dancers and musicians working with sensitivity in therapeutic settings, such as with recovering addicts, refugees, in children’s hospitals and in one-to-one trauma support work.


  1. I am looking for 30 supporters to donate £100 each – or whatever’s realistic for you – and be my honoured co-founders.
    This will fund the website (£1,000) and videos (£2,000).
  2. To participate in other ways, the project needs a volunteer communications secretary, a treasurer, and I am creating a ‘steering group’ to meet on Zoom every 3 months. We will evaluate how things are going and how to move forward.


Trauma effects countless people; those who have survived accident, illness, loss or troubled childhoods, refugee populations and many children now who are living with personal and global instability. Trauma often leaves a legacy of reactivity deeply wired in the nerves, tissues, brain and emotions (known as PTSD).

Talk-based support is not enough and needs to be complemented by ‘embodied’ therapeutic experiences. But in all of the online seminars I’ve attended ‘bodywork’ is all about conscious breathing and there is no understanding of the powerful integrative role of dance and music – as I’ve witnessed so many times and researched in my book. My aim is to add to the understanding and available resources in this fast-developing field.

Hope you can tell I feel passionate about this. Let me know if you are willing to help.
Please email me on dancewise321 at gmail dot com

Warmest wishes,
Stefan Freedman


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