Subud Greater Seattle‘s Oswald Norton wrote a wonderful piece on Sofyan Brugger that appeared yesterday on the Subud Greater Seattle blog. An excerpt:

Oswald Norton
I met Halimah and Sofyan Brugger in the mid-90s at our annual Subud PNW Kedjiwaan event at Menucha. They’d be sitting together in the opening circle, at our meals and in sessions where we spoke of our experiences with the latihan and its impact on our lives. It seemed that they were inseparable.
These kedjiwaan events are filled with conversations with those you’d just met. Sometimes someone would talk about an experience in Subud you want to know more about it and you’d speak further. And, I wanted to catch up with people I’d met there before. And, there were the latihans. It seemed like it was a rare moment when I had the time to explore the back story of how someone found Subud and where that opening had taken them. READ MORE.