July 9, 2022 Report to Subud USA

July 9, 2022 Report to Subud USA

The Subud USA board asked me to create a video for my July 9 report and you can view it below. I’ve also put in my notes. I am grateful to be the Chair of SICA-USA and we DO NEED MORE PEOPLE willing to send us content. Don’t be shy! SICA-USA is the...
Concerto for Violin and Cello

Concerto for Violin and Cello

From Dahlan Foah: Concerto for Violin and Cello: “Un Pasto con Luciana e Mario” composed by Lucas Richman – Here is the recording from the concert by the Atlanta Musicians’ Orchestra, Kenn Wagner, violin and Nirav Patel, cello. Dahlan Foah, conducting. Feel free to...
SICA-USA Continues Its Support of Poetry Postcards

SICA-USA Continues Its Support of Poetry Postcards

The SICA-USA Board voted last week to continue supporting the Poetry Postcard Fest. The Fest was initiated in 2007 by poets Paul E Nelson and Lana Ayers and involves people signing up to send 31 original poems on postcards to folks on their list before the end of...
Sofyan Brugger Memories (by Oswald Norton)

Sofyan Brugger Memories (by Oswald Norton)

Subud Greater Seattle’s Oswald Norton wrote a wonderful piece on Sofyan Brugger that appeared yesterday on the Subud Greater Seattle blog. An excerpt: I met Halimah and Sofyan Brugger in the mid-90s at our annual Subud PNW Kedjiwaan event at Menucha. They’d be...