Sastro Jendra (Writing from the Inner Heart)

Sastro Jendra (Writing from the Inner Heart)

Latifah Taormina from Facebook: Speaking of poetry . . . In a talk (excerpt below) Bapak speaks of “Sastro Jendra” — Javanese for the writing on your inner heart, writing that if spoken aloud would sound like “Allah, Allah, Allah.” In her book, Saved by a Poem,...
Solihin Thom on Zoomuse

Solihin Thom on Zoomuse

Longtime and beloved (former) Subud Portland member Solihin Thom read his poetry as part of the SICA-International Zoomuse series, started by Emmanuel Williams. Solihin read July 20, 2020, and the recording of that occasion is now posted for your enjoyment. Once based...
The Chair Plays Russian Music

The Chair Plays Russian Music

From Hamilton Cheifetz: Russian music is known for its intensity and intense emotion.  However, this is a very lighthearted piece by Prokofiev, from his Sonata in C Major for Cello and Piano, during a concert in 2014 entitled “Russian Romance”.  The...