Subud USA Archives Unveiling

Subud USA Archives Unveiling

We caught up with Matthew Clark, who has headed the Subud USA Archives committee that is overseeing the move of the Subud Archives from Arizona to the Amani Center in Washington, D.C. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE INAUGURATION OF THE Subud USA International Archives...
Fund Drive Gratitude

Fund Drive Gratitude

The Board of SICA-USA is pleased to report that our first Fund Drive was a success. We raised over $10,000 and we’re very grateful for everyone who has supported SICA-USA. Plans are in the works to create events with entertainment, experiential Cultural...
Poetry Postcard Fest

Poetry Postcard Fest

SICA-USA is a sponsor of the Poetry Postcard Fest which I co-founded in 2007. That makes this year’s fest the 15th annual and several Subud members have participated. Registration is open at until July 18. This year I collaborated on a...
Subud Greater Seattle History

Subud Greater Seattle History

Subud Greater Seattle webmaster (& brilliant Subud photographic historian) Rachman Cantrell has unearthed this bit of local history: I found this article in an old Subud USA publication.  It gives a bit of Subud Seattle history, written by Sebastian Tedrow around...
Subud in the World

Subud in the World

I was delighted to hear about the book A Spiritual Blueprint for Humanity by longtime Subud member Rozak Tatebe and devoured it. Written by the former International Helper, MSF Trustee and Chair of the International Subud Committee (as it says on the back cover), the...