Vendetta in Arcadia, by John Panopoulos (by Stefan Solat)

Dec 16, 2019 | 4 comments

Growing up in Los Angeles, including being opened as a teen, involved painful emotional purification.  As most members were going thru their own stressful lives, it was rare when one of them could listen to my anxieties.  Two who were most patient with me were Olivia & John Panopoulos, who’ve both passed on in recent years.
While at 2018 world congress, I met Robiyan Easty, a British resident of Greece.  He gave me a flyer about a book series he’d published, which was written –I was astounded to learn — by John Panopoulos. Having just finished reading the first volume, I submitted this review to Amazon, from which I had purchased it for $8:

            Vendetta in Arcadia, by John Panopoulos

   Starting out in a mundanely simple description of a mid-1800s rural Greek family vendetta, Panopoulos’ story gracefully but precipitously snares one’s attention until, putting bookmark into page becomes a reluctant act. Reading this first brief (178 page) volume, one of four, was like discovering not only a spell-binding work of historical fiction and ancient tradition-infused spirituality but, as well, an as yet undiscovered brilliant author: one who, sadly, passed away before he could see its publication.

            Its subtitle, about “…shattered lives, miracles and destiny” only hints at what is waiting for a reader who has experienced a sense — in her/his own right — of the existence of another dimensional aspect of this world and the lives we live in it. For those with such an inner sense of reality, this book serves as a reminder that every choice we make, affecting other human beings, reverberates into both known and unknown realms that are far beyond what we are typically aware as we live within our day-to-day patterns of thought and emotion. 

            Gems of wisdom range from how severe physical suffering may bring about monumental inner changes in the trajectory of one’s lifetime, to the age-old awareness on the quality of one’s mental, emotional and spiritual state, at moment of death, setting course for what comes hereafter.    



  1. Thank you for the rendering of the above publication. Even this succinct rendering has deep meaning for me.

  2. How wonderful to discover this! Some legal arrangement should be put in place for compensation to be paid from the sale of these publications to his daughters, Melissa and Alyssa, who still live in Monterey, CA and whose lives would be blessed by such a benefit.\
    Hadijah Vanada, an old friend of John and Olivia.

    • His family are aware of this … Melissa wrote me about it when it first got on Amazon … Rosalyn Neel

  3. Am so happy to see this. Thank you, Stefan. I knew John as the Sculptor he was, as well of course, as the dear brother he was. I had no idea he’d written this. Thank you for letting us all know.


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