From the Subud PNW website:
Tangren Alexander was a long time Subud member who recently passed away. She was opened in the mid 1970’s. She was born in Ashland and lived here her entire life. She was a Philosophy professor at Southern Oregon University here in Ashland until her retirement. She very graciously opened her home to local and visiting Subud members to do the latihan.
I have many happy memories of doing latihan with Tangren at her home when my husband Kelly and I lived in Ashland. Blessings on her!
Such a dear and longtime friend and Latihan sister….Her home provided a safe and sacred refuge for our latihan for years. And her deep and delightful presence will be sorely missed. Blessings on your journey Beyond, Beloved Tangren!
My deepest most sincere condolences 💐 RIP dear sister
Rest in Heavenly Peace ☮️
Tangren loved the latihan & opened her home to the members here in Ashland. She will be greatly missed. God bless her journey back home!