From Subud NYC:
Simon Whelan Latihan and Remembrance (online)
Sunday, April 5th, 2020
Quiet and Latihan 1:45/2:00PM Eastern (10:45/11:00AM Pacific)
Remembrance & Sharing 2:45-3:30 Eastern (11:45/Noon Pacific)
We mourn the passing of our Subud brother Simon Whelan, a member of Subud New York for nearly 30 years. He died on March 29 following Covid-19 complications. Simon was opened originally in Ottawa and also lived in Montreal. He is survived by his brother Jon Whelan in Banff, Canada and step mother, Lisa Whelan, a member of Subud Ottawa.
We have scheduled both a special latihan (phone in) and Remembrance Session (video and phone in) in acknowledgement of Simnon’s passing and in celebration of his life.
FOR THE CALL-IN LATIHAN @ 1:45PM Eastern, here are the details:
For the men:
Call: (425) 436-6352
Access Code: 137635 #
For the women:
Call: (425) 436-6315
Access Code: 500121 #
FOR THE REMEMBRANCE SESSION–2:45PM Eastern, the details are:
Topic: Special Remembrance Session for Simon Whelan
Time: Sunday, Apr 5, 2020 2:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Video Zoom Meeting (click & join)
Meeting ID: 379 279 155
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 379 279 155
May God bless Simon’s soul as he goes on his journey.
God be with my Subud brother.
Condolence to his family.
Love from Ireland.
Un******* believable.
I spent some time with Simon at the last two world congresses.
Simon was a real brother to me. Hope he forgives any “big mess ups”
over the decades. Much love to you all on this side, and may Almighty keep us in the light at passing.
Simon and I worked for Humphrey Williams and Hadrian Michelle at a Subud enterprise, MicroTraffic, in the early 80s. Later in life, I saw him every year at the annual Subud PNW kejiwaan retreat at the Menucha Retreat Center outside of Portland. I loved his humor and his very quirky view of life. I will miss his presence. May He Rest In Peace.
If the memorial call was recorded, can it posted on YouTube? Thanks
Jon, so sorry to hear of the passing of Simon (Bruce). I remember him fondly from public school in Stittsville.