Passing the Torch: the Subud Legacy

Passing the Torch: the Subud Legacy

Passing the Torch: the Subud Legacy Musings by Benedict Herrman, Alexandra Boyer, and Leana McClellan One Perspective on the Future of Subud There is concern amongst some of us about the future of our spiritual path, as many of us are graying and in our 70s, 80s, and...
Benjamin Waumett 1982-2024

Benjamin Waumett 1982-2024

Benjamin Waumett 1982 – 2024 By Victor Waumett Our beautiful son, Benjamin Wuamett, passed on Oct. 26, 2024 just at the start of night. He would have been forty-three years old in December. There’s a Memorial singalong January 24 at Mississippi Studios, Portland, Ore....
Memorial for Ruslan Moore

Memorial for Ruslan Moore

Here is a piece lovingly sent to us by Mahomed Raidhan and kindly forwarded by Harlan Moore, Ruslan’s son. I always found Ruslan inspiring and humbling. Ruslan edited numerous books. Here is a link: left...
SICA: The Art of Living

SICA: The Art of Living

still from SICA: The Art of Living SICA: The Art of Living by Daniela Moneta SICA: The Art of Living is a film made in 1990 by David van Noortwijk and copyrighted by him. David is a filmmaker and teacher in Kalimantan. The film has an introduction and is narrated by...
World Premiere of Blood&Breath

World Premiere of Blood&Breath

World Premiere of Blood&Breath by Dahlan Foah Last week (October 19, 2024) we held the World Premiere of the third in a series of seven Frequency Operas. The First is The Birth of Color: A Marriage of Darkness and Light; the second is SivaSati: A Marriage of...