From Dahlan Foah: Concerto for Violin and Cello: “Un Pasto con Luciana e Mario” composed by Lucas Richman – Here is...
SICA-USA Continues Its Support of Poetry Postcards
The SICA-USA Board voted last week to continue supporting the Poetry Postcard Fest. The Fest was initiated in 2007 by...
World Premiere Performance of Concerto for Violin and Cello: “Un Pasto con Luciana e Mario”
From Dahlan Foah: For SICA - Kenn Wagner, David Schepps, Honora Foà, Lucas Richman, and I are all in Subud. When I...
Sofyan Brugger Memories (by Oswald Norton)
Subud Greater Seattle's Oswald Norton wrote a wonderful piece on Sofyan Brugger that appeared yesterday on the Subud...
Zoomuse Poems for Peace (June 16, 2022)
The Zoomuse Poems for Peace series completes its first year of readings by presenting Claudia Castro Luna, a former...
Robert Mertens Trippy Mandalas
Check out some of the latest digital art longtime Subud member Robert Mertens is putting online. Click on the image...
Sofyan Brugger, Translator of over 125 of Bapak’s Talks, Dies
From the Subud PNW blog: Sofyan passed away Saturday, just after midnight, Boise time. In the last few days of his...
Ann Graham Walker’s Poems for Peace Video This is a video of Ann Graham Walker's SICA ZoomMuse Poems for Peace poetry reading held...
SICA-USA at CoPlay
I am not yet home in Seattle from the Midwest from the first SICA-USA Board retreat during my tenure as Chair and the...
Maya Waterman on Her Acting & Poetry
If you’re wondering who that partially-clad woman is modeling in a wine commercial, it’s longtime Subud member Maya...