Remembering Ibu Siti Sumari: Publishing Subud Books in Languages Other than English & How You Can Help. by Daniela Moneta

Aug 30, 2024 | 0 comments

Our Subud International Archives’ team in the United States was contacted by members from Costa Rica who would like to see more of our member authored books available in languages other than English. So, we are starting this inspiring project from an idea given to us by Subud Costa Rica. This team would like to translate into Spanish, with help from other language experts and those with publishing experience, Subud Survival Guide. The brilliant book by Harry Armytage that is so dearly loved by our younger Subud members. It was first published in English in 1997. It’s in dictionary format by subject, has funny stories and cartoons, and is a delight to read. One of its best features is that it has a large number of interesting quotes from Bapak and Ibu Rahayu; however, these quotes need to be updated to the official translations of Bapak’s Talks. It will take a while to translate all of them as there are so many quotes to check with the WSA Translation team. It may be a while before this new edition is available.  

In the meantime, we are concentrating on translating some other interesting titles that might not have so many Bapak quotes. One of the first books we have in mind is Excerpts from Recollections of Ibu Siti Sumari that many remember.

This slim little book with the pink cover was edited by four long-time Subud members, one of who, Halima Christy, has agreed to edit and work with us to find new material to add to the book. So, it will be an enlarged 2nd. edition published on the WSA Archives website for all to read. It will then be translated into Spanish. The book has been out-of-print for years, having been published in 1989. So, in thirty-five years many more people have been opened and would enjoy learning more about our Subud history, and some of our older members did not get their stories about Ibu Siti Sumari recorded and published.

Ibu Siti Sumari as a young woman.

Bapak’s second wife was Ibu Siti Sumari, the woman who helped bring up his children after his first wife Ibu Roemindah died in 1936. Ibu Siti Sumari was dearly loved by Subud members as she accompanied Bapak on all of his first trips outside Indonesia around the world starting in 1957 to Coombe Springs and was the guide and leader to Subud women until her passing in February 1971 from several health issues.

Ibu Siti Sumari was like a mother to Ibu Rahayu, Pak Haryono, and Ibu Yati. Ibu Sumari had a daughter before marrying Bapak who was Ibu Rochanawati, who grew up with Bapak’s children by his first wife. Ibu Rochanawati was the mother of Tuti, Muti, Adji, Indra, and Tiqna. It was a large, blended family.

Bapak and Ibu Siti Sumari in 1957 at Coombe Springs with Maryam Kibble,Irina Hoar, Mhd. Icksan, Bob Prestie, and Ibu Ismana.

Bapak and Ibu Siti Sumari in 1957 at Coombe Springs with Maryam Kibble,
Irina Hoar, Mhd. Icksan, Bob Prestie, and Ibu Ismana.

Irene James with Ibu Siti Sumari at Disneyland in May 1958 in Los Angeles, on Bapak's first trip to the United States. Mhd. Icksan, Bapak's helper, is in the background.

Irene James with Ibu Siti Sumari at Disneyland in May 1958 in Los Angeles, on Bapak’s first trip to the United States. Mhd. Icksan, Bapak’s helper, is in the background.

Here is how you can be part of this project – Do you know some of our earlier members in Subud who may have met or had interactions with Bapak’s second wife, Ibu Siti Sumari? Ask them for their stories and please send them to the international archives for including in the revision of the first book. Ibu Sumari was such a great influence in Subud for women, especially in the early days. She was Bapak’s partner who traveled with him inside and outside of Indonesia until she passed away in early 1971. It was Ibu Siti Sumari who opened thousands of women in Coombe Springs, the USA, and other countries around the world, and someone who made a deep impression on so many lives.

If you have recollections of Ibu Siti Sumari that you would like to share or would like to see the original book, please contact the international archives at:



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