News Time (Michael Cooke Video)

Oct 7, 2020 | 6 comments

From Subud California’s Michael Cooke:

Dear Editor,

Last night Emmanuel Aronie phoned me.
He is our brother who had sent me the
prose poem (if it really is – well, sort of)
and was the one who suggested I do
the read on it. – When he saw it upon
the very day you saw it he criticized
a few things that I was not bothered
by but listened to. Regardless, he
suggested I might “re-shoot”. In the
interim it was already on air and
doing well in terms of reactions
from people I heard from.

When he phoned me last night his
entire tone and demeanor changed.
He said he’d sent out the piece to
at least a half dozen people and they
all were moved by it and loved it.
He asked me if a friend of his could
move it around and send it on to
more people. I said of course. He
also added that he has friend in
Moscow who wanted to use the
Author unknown as a learning tool
for her English classes she’s been
teaching. I said again, of course!
Then I told him the response my
side of the coast was also most
favorable (some very nice comments
I received, indeed).

So that brings us up to News Time.

Am still off news media. But a minor
(very minor) gem came to me as I
was at the checkout at the market
today – as well as at Rite Aid when
I left. I said to the checkout person
for no apparent logic or reason, “Good
luck tonight with the debate”! They
looked at me quizzically before I
continued with a, as said, minor
followup which was, “And may the
best man – and WOMAN win!!!”

And that STILL brings us up to News Time!

Utta-matta-gotta- gehtchey!


  1. Great stories! Thank you, Michael.

  2. Unknown Author brings the sadness of our present situation to the fore. The feeling of regret for what we’ve lost sets this apart from the polemics and anger that have become continuous, and gives voice to the people who have been harmed. It is persuasive and invites a deeper consideration than rage. Wonderfully presented. Thank you!

  3. So well expressed in the prose poem by Emmanuel and so well-read by Michael, The delightful details reminded me of all that we had and all that we are missing,

  4. Such a sobering and yet inspiring piece. Feeling sadness, yearning and hope for the future. Thank you, Michael.

  5. Thank you for taking the time to read it to us! Yearning for more hope and normalcy in the white house.

  6. Yes, we have lost a lot. But in three days, Biden will be President and a new chapter will open up in our country. Compassionate humans will once again occupy the White House, and a long national healing will begin.


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