From Hamilton Cheifetz, SICA-USA Chair:
We are very happy to announce that SICA USA just launched our newly designed website, managed by Paul Nelson and created by Philip Brautigam. Since taking on the job of SICA Chair almost five years ago, I have been part of a board that has dreamed of a website that reflects the richness and visionary energy of SICA and the profound role of culture. The new site represents a quantum leap forward, and I invite you to visit our site and explore it. Featured are dozens of weekly blog
posts shared with the Subud community during the past year, and we are asking you to consider a monthly donation to SICA USA to support future posts celebrating life, culture and Subud activities. Just go to and select “Contribute” and “Donate” from the menu at the top of the homepage to easily make a monthly pledge or one-time donation. We will be launching a fund drive in February and making our case for support of a revitalized SICA, the cultural wing of Subud.