Sofiah Sexton has been a Subud member since July 14, 1968. She was a member of the Cincinnati group and the Detroit group. She was a regional member living in Kentucky for many years. Now she lives in Exeter, California, and is a member of the San Joaquin Valley group. Sofiah is the mother of Sjahari Pullom, the mother-in-law of Roekmini nee Harris Pullom and the grandmother of their five children. Her new book A Path in the Wilderness is the result of ten years of writing, editing, and rewriting. The book includes autobiographical sketches, essays, poetry, and a tale. Also included are photographs of drawings rendered in art therapy sessions Sofiah conducted at Visalia Unitarian Universalist Church. The drawings are her own. XLibris Publishing Company required Sofiah to use a pen name because some of the information in the autobiographical sketches could be considered libelous. The names of people and locations were changed to protect the identity of people included in the sketches. According to Sofiah, the book was written by inspiration (some divine, some not).
Sofiah has a baccalaureate degree in elementary education, a master’s degree in library science, and a master’s degree in psychology. She was a public librarian for a year and a school librarian for eighteen years and is an excellent addition to the SICA-USA Board.