Zoomuse Featuring Paul Nelson

Zoomuse Featuring Paul Nelson

Your friendly neighborhood SICA-USA webmaster was featured on May 22, 2020, as the Zoomuse poet. Zoomuse is the international, virtual poetry reading that Emmanuel Williams set up via SICA-International and there have been several Subud poets in different continents...
Music From The Chair

Music From The Chair

In these times of separation and isolation, many musicians are feeling a particular loss in being unable to play with friends and colleagues, and the inability to play live for audiences is also keenly felt.  This performance of the beloved and beautifully romantic...
The Subud Village Community

The Subud Village Community

For those horrified by Facebook business practices, even by their troublesome business model: offer free services, collect user’s private information, then monetize that information by selling it to advertisers or other entities, there is an alternative for Subud...
Zoomuse with Renata Reid

Zoomuse with Renata Reid

Did you miss Renata Reid’s Zoomuse reading? The SICA-International all Subud poets series being Zoomcast weekly on Fridays (usually at 11am PDT) is the brainchild of longtime Subud member Emmanuel Williams, the unofficial Subud Poet Laureate. Renata gave a...
Creativity in Captivity on 60 Minutes

Creativity in Captivity on 60 Minutes

Latifah Taormina reported on Facebook: “Creativity in Captivity” was part of the cultural program SICA produced for the Puebla Congress. Performed at the Teatro Principal, directed and conducted by Honora and Dahlan Foah, “Creativity in...