Quan Yin Appears For Dinner

Quan Yin Appears For Dinner

By Aminah Herrman Art and music has been a part of my ancestral DNA.I studied drawing, color theory, surface design, ceramics and took many workshops to explore where I fit into the creative stream. I first felt a new spark teaching creativity to children. I spent 10...
Zoomuse with Reynold Weissinger

Zoomuse with Reynold Weissinger

The Zoomuse online Subud poetry series, started by Emmanuel Williams, continued on June 5 with Subud California’s Reynold Weissinger. If you missed it, see here: Huge thanks to SICA-International for this program.
Three Elegies by Riantee Rand

Three Elegies by Riantee Rand

From Riantee Rand: Our brother Redmond Gleeson passed away very recently. I have a poem dedicated to him. Also in our area of Elk/Mendocino three members, two poets themselves passed on the same night, the third, an artist and long time Subud member, very recently. I...
An Artist’s Story (By Robert Mertens)

An Artist’s Story (By Robert Mertens)

First published in Emmanuel Elliot’s Reminders of Reality Newsletter and re-published with permission: I have a memory from when I was very little – maybe just one or two years old – about a dream that came, perhaps several times, and that I have...